Handheld crossbody bag made of rubber wood and cowhide leather/Rubber wood messenger bag
Handheld crossbody bag made of rubber wood and cowhide leather/Rubber wood messenger bag
$349.00 USD
$0.00 USD
$349.00 USD

The size of the rubber wood bag is very suitable for lightweight carrying of fruit cameras or small tools! This is a modern fusion and recreation of rubberwood and cowhide, filled with a tradition of exploration and adventure. As suggested by a scout motto: "When you need it, it's best to have it, rather than needing it without it."
- Using 14mm solid wood spray traditional tung oil and full grain cowhide, create a personalized and fashionable camera storage bag to solve the problem of carrying the camera. Use 12mm shockproof cotton, fully considering the safety of the protective lens and body.
- The durability of solid wood and cowhide is a guarantee of long-term companionship.
- Suitable for installing DSLR cameras and two lenses, fill light, micro single can be placed, body+two to three lenses, battery, small radio microphone.
- Take out the shockproof partition, which can be used for storing makeup boxes, etc.
- It is slightly larger and heavier, and can be carried by hand or tilted back, suitable for men to carry over short distances.
- Size:
- *Large size: Width 32cm × Height 22.5cm × Side width 18.5cm
- *Medium size: Width 32cm × Height 22.5cm × Side width 12.5cm,
- It will take 2-3 weeks to complete the order, please be patient and wait.
